How It Works

Our cutting-edge patented Hemastyl® formula combines a blend of unique antimicrobial nanoparticles to treat non-healing wounds in diabetic patients.
Preliminary Tests Show
- Ideal for both clinic & home care
- Controls infection
- Promotes the local restoration of circulation
- Stimulates proper tissue growth
- Promotes effective healing
- Helps prevent amputations
- Never Before Seen Results
Patient Case Studies
Repair of multi-year-old non-healing chronic wounds using Hemastyl R® treatment in preliminary tests. Our groundbreaking unique formula accelerates the healing process, promoting cell regeneration and reducing inflammation.
How It Works

Our cutting-edge patented Hemastyl® formula combines a blend of unique antimicrobial nanoparticles to treat non-healing wounds in diabetic patients.
Our Preliminary Tests Show
- Ideal for both clinic & home care
- 99.999% effective against Candida Auris and other microbes
- Helps control infection
- Promotes the local restoration of circulation
- Promotes effective healing
- Helps prevent amputations
- Never before seen results
Patient Case Studies
Repair of multi-year-old non-healing chronic wounds using Hemastyl R® treatment in preliminary tests. Our groundbreaking unique formula accelerates the healing process, promoting cell regeneration and reducing inflammation.
Suffer from chronic wounds
each year
amputations daily
Every 20 seconds, a limb is
amputated due to chronic
mortality rate
Patients die after five years of the first amputation
The Market
There are NO products made to repair the damaged nerves due to peripheral neuropathy. Additionally, Current wound healing products DON’T treat the peri-wound. They focus on weak anti-microbial action, or minor improvements in wound oxygenation and perfusion.
Existing treatments are superficial remedies, leading to progressively worse clinical outcomes and increasing medical expenditure.
Led By Doctors,
Scientists, Innovators
Rapid Nexus Nanotech Wound Solutions, Inc. is guided by a dedicated team of innovative business professionals and scientists within the life sciences realm, continuously challenging the boundaries of what’s achievable.
My burn wound stayed open for 8 years. I tried everything and went to many doctors. Nothing worked. It was so uncomfortable to put on nice clothing over the wound and go to church. I could not walk without feeling pain. The Rapid Nexus System healed it. Finally, something that worked!
Watch VideoI've damaged my leg while farming. Two large wounds opened and would not close for 6 years. My leg turned black and I was diagnosed for an amputation. The Rapid Nexus System was such a good treatment! First I began to feel my toes again, then I began to feel my heel. Next, my leg began to turn to a normal color and wounds closed! I was able to return back to farming and make a living for my family again.
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